What is Fatherhood Initiative?

Fatherhood Initiative is a community- based training program, geared toward helping fathers connect with their children. Too many homes are without fathers, and too many children are living in poverty, turning to criminal activities, and losing out on a great education, because of it. A strong male figure is missing in the lives of children, and without that guidance, many children are lost.

Many children turn to gangs, get involved in drugs and other similar activities, which leads them down a road of destruction. The program focuses on several aspects of fatherhood, and not the most common or talked about aspects. Fathers play an integral part of their children's life, and should be encourage to stay active in their children's life as much as possible.

What types of Training are Involved?

The initiative training involve, implementing cost- effective programs and resources that address specific, and complex situations families are experiencing. The realization that many fathers are absent from the home due to a number of reasons, which includes; alcohol and substance abuse, physical and emotional abuse, teen pregnancies and incarcerated friends and family members.

The program equip fathers with the tools they need to better help themselves, and their families. Fathers are invited to attend community workshops, social groups and skill building events that will help them bridge the gap that separates them from their children.

How Does the Program Help Fathers

The program focuses on helping fathers to remove the negativity that prevents them from establishing a bond with their children. Even in jail, fathers can still provide emotional support to their children in times of distress and uncertainty. A kind word of encouragement, a telephone call to say I'm proud of you, or a letter with the words "I miss you" or "I'm thinking about you" mean so much in the life of children who are separated from their dads. Visit this website for more information.

Fathers will feel better knowing they have made a positive difference in the lives of their children, and when they get out of jail, or return home from a lengthy program. They will have the assurance that the bond they formed is still in place and stronger than ever.

Why Focus on Dads

Thousands of programs focus on the mother and child, and not enough program focuses on the male or father figure. Fatherhood Initiative wants to intensify fatherhood skill building, and customize programs in the community that reach fathers emotionally, and physically. Involvement is the key to being successful. The majority of fathers wants to be in their child's life, and want to be a role model, their son and daughter can look up to.

Where is the Program Implemented?

The program is most effective when it is implemented in regions of the world where fatherhood participation is poor. Churches are the best place to begin recruiting fathers, and establishing a community- based programs. Any organization or establishment can form a fatherhood initiative program, if they choose. The only requirement is the desire to want to help.